THE EXILE Pavillon
From the exile...
The Exile Pavilion wants to invest and cross all boundaries, revisiting the experiences of the exile and reactivate the traces in history. Where does the exile begin and where does it end? Are we all equal against the displacement and exile? And from who are we exiles?
mounir fatmi
"I am like one who wore his brick to show the world how was his home."
Bertold Brecht

The Exile Pavilion does not exist as an architectural building even if the proposal is made for architects to imagine. But it is the works of artists, visual artists, musicians, poets, writers, performers they are exiles or their work deals with the displacement, which build together this protean and nomadic pavilion. Its journey will make layovers at artistic structures, institutions, ephemeral places, in the form of exhibitions, publications and meetings. At each stop, the works and archival materials are redesigned according to the place and its history.

The Exile Pavilion travels to various cities, setting up in different art centers or historical sites, each rich in its own unique history and culture. Every layover becomes a distinct landing point with its own specific characteristics. The participating artists, each with a connection to the location's history, bring their individual perspectives to the exhibit. At every stop, they integrate their works with the local heritage, creating a profound and unique dialogue between their art and the place.

The Exile Pavilion plans to publish a digital catalogue for each layover, featuring the participating artists and their works. Each publication not only features detailed profiles of the artists but also provides in-depth descriptions of their works, highlighting the unique ways in which they have engaged with the local history and culture. The publications serve as a valuable archive and a resource for art enthusiasts, scholars, and the general public, offering insights into the creative process and the cultural significance of the Exile Pavilion's journey.